Title to be Determined


This is a sub-site for keeping track of the various other projects going on.

Updates: 10.22.22 -- It's late Fall, so if it's not indoors by now, either I don't care or it can survive winter. Bonne courage, little perennials.

GENERAL NOTE: I am a huge proponent of keeping houseplants in pots and making sure that offshoots, seeds, etc. don't escape into the surrounding environment. Many common houseplants are--or can become--incredibly invasive and an important part of good stewardship is not making your lapse in judgement somebody else's disaster.

TAXONOMIC NOTE: I have tried (am trying?) to include species names because, ugh, common names are such a PiTA. That said, a lot of suppliers play fast and loose with their cultivation--on top of taxonomical shenanigans like entire clades being reclassified. So don't pop a blood vessel if you think something's wrong. But if you do have a suggestion, feel free to send a note my way.

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