This is a sub-site for keeping track of the various other projects going on.
Updates: 10.22.22 -- It's late Fall, so if it's not indoors by now, either I don't care or it can survive winter. Bonne courage, little perennials.
GENERAL NOTE: I am a huge proponent of keeping houseplants in pots and making sure that offshoots, seeds, etc. don't escape into the surrounding environment. Many common houseplants are--or can become--incredibly invasive and an important part of good stewardship is not making your lapse in judgement somebody else's disaster.
TAXONOMIC NOTE: I have tried (am trying?) to include species names because, ugh, common names are such a PiTA. That said, a lot of suppliers play fast and loose with their cultivation--on top of taxonomical shenanigans like entire clades being reclassified. So don't pop a blood vessel if you think something's wrong. But if you do have a suggestion, feel free to send a note my way.
Purple Ice Plant
Delosperma cooperi
Propgated from seed. Drought tolerant, but despises full sun and temps above 90s. Outdoors it will want to be watered every day. Indoors it enjoys a good misting.
Purple Ice Plant
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
Double-flowered and extremely hardy. Sunburns like a redhead and is the preferred snack of aphids everywhere. Kind of wish it wasn't such a slow grower, but at least that means not worrying about repotting it every season.
Silver Inchplant
Tradescantia zebrina
Started from a single stem, it has clearly established itself. An uncomplicated plant, it can get stringy indoors and come Spring may need to be hacked up and replanted before it goes out onto the porch.
Currently no real idea what this is, other than "a fern". It was a stowaway in the pitcher plant's pot and I decided to give it a shot to grow on it's own. So most likely something painfully common--as no garden center is going to give you something valuable for free.
Rocky Mountain Pine
Pinus Aristata
Started from one of those super-sketchy bonsai kits, it's a miracle it's gotten THIS far. Not sure if it'll make it through winter, as it's clearly still delicate.
String-of-Pearls Cutting
Curio rowleyanus
A cutting given to me by a friend, it finally appears to be doing something beyond maybe making some leaves.
Pitcher Plant
Nepenthes × ventrata
Big 'ol swing with that ID, but it does look like a N. alata and N. ventricosa cross and that is one of the most common varieties around. Also means I don't have to worry about it being poached or some other heinous nonsense.
Marble Queen
Epipremnum aureum
This. This right here is what I'm talking about with taxonomic shenannigans. A "rescue" from work, there are several pots around the house. I've also been gifted one a time or two and--rest assured--if you've given me one it's still alive. Because I'm not wholly convinced this plant CAN die. The devil's ivy, indeed.
Solanum lycopersicum 'Cherokee Purple'
I felt oddly bad for it.
Zebra Plant
Haworthiopsis attenuata
Somehow even less demanding than an ACTUAL aloe. Has several pups and probably will be repotted come Spring.
African Violet
Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia
Yes, that's a US dime it's next to.
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